Next Botanical is one of the biggest kratom suppliers from west Borneo Indonesia. We are experienced in retail sales and we provided our customers with the highest quality kratom products at an affordable price. We are professional caring and maintain our products, so our customers will get the best quality and products.
Our goal is not only for you as a customer to be satisfied, but we always try to give back to those who make it possible, the workers and the farmers. We ensure that workers have good working conditions and that the kratom we sell is what we promise. Just 100% finely ground kratom. Always without any additives or other substances.
Our kratom is always wild and is never picked by trees under 3 years. That's because young kratom trees don't have the same strength compared to an old tree. In our usual and proven areas, the average height is over 10 meters, which indicates a nice age and more guarantees that the leaves are potent in their strength. If a new area is tested, the first leaves are always sent from there on lab tests to make sure alkaloid levels are high enough to make your kratom potent. In addition to lab testing the strength of the leaves, we continuously test the leaves against E-Coli, Salmonella, and Heavy Metals.
Why Choose
Us ?
We guarantee our products is pure organic and 100% lab tested
Affordable price without sacrifice products quality
We partnered with a logistics company and offered worldwide shipping